The 2023 OTHG South Chapter National will take place at LACR MX on March 18th and 19th. Per our normal format, that means Friday practice followed by two days of hard racing!
NEW FOR 2023
PARKING/CAMPING: We are introducing Preferred Parking to the South Chapter National. The majority of space along the track fence can be reserved for a fair price. For those folks making a long drive or others that just want to make sure they are close to the action, this is your solution! Reserving a space means you can show up at any hour from Thursday through Sunday knowing that your parking/camping space is there for you.
The prices vary based on parking space size as well as what we feel are the best viewing areas. Please take note of the parking space size vs the size of your rig! You/your buddies may purchase several spaces side by side and form your own group arrangement to your liking. Fit as many campers into your space(s) that is reasonable so long as you don’t encroach on others.
Please keep in mind that these reservations are not fully automated. If several people purchase the same space(s) within minutes of each other, the subsequent purchases won’t be denied. We will do our best to accommodate everyone. The first entry for a space will always be given priority. All others following will be moved down to the next available space. We will communicate all changes to you and provide any refunds as necessary.
TRACK DESIGN: You may remember that we ran both the Vet and Main tracks at LACR simultaneously (side by side) last year. We are not the type of club to do the same thing twice for our big events… This year’s South National will COMBINE both tracks at LACR! This layout is being done uniquely for the OTHG and will not be seen for any other events held at this facility. You can expect lap times to be in the 3 minute range for Intermediate level riders.
OTHG Members: To sign up for a Main/Age Class you MUST be a current OTHG club member and you must have raced 2 local races in the last 12 months or 4 local races in the last 24 months. Please enter your qualifying races or your pre-registration may be delayed or denied. All OTHG club members must have their proper number plate background colors and chapter letter per OTHG National rules.
If you are a brand new member to OTHG in 2023, be sure to race 2 of our upcoming races to qualify for Main/Age Class racing at the South National.
- Online Registration
- Online Pre-entries include a free t-shirt and a dinner ticket (2 day entries only)
- Pre-Entry ends on March 6th at midnight
- Online registrations submitted after March 6th are considered “Post-Entry”
Mail In Registration- Mail in Pre-entries include a free t-shirt and a dinner ticket (2 day entries only)
- Must be postmarked by March 6th to be considered “Pre-Entry”
- Mail in forms postmarked after March 6th will be considered “Post-Entry”
- All Pre-Entries are entered into a special raffle to win a product from Ride Engineering!
- Trackside registration will be available Friday afternoon and Saturday/Sunday mornings
- Raffle tickets will be for sale at the track for $20 per sheet. Pay for your raffle tickets during the online pre-registration period for the best deal:
- 50 for $35
- 100 for $65
- 250 for $150 “Best Value”
- T-Shirts will be available for $20
- Dinner tickets will be available for $20
- Classes/Prices:
- Class Only – 2 Days – $100
- Class/Support – 2 Days – $160
- Class 2 Days + Support Sat – $140
- Class 2 Days + Support Sun – $140
- Class 1 Day – Sat OR Sun – $65
- —
- Big Bike Support – 2 Days – $100
- Big Bike Support – 1 Day – Sat OR Sun – $65
- Kids Support – 1 or 2 Days – $40
Weekend Schedule and Track Fees (Subject to Change)
*Please keep in mind that all fees are due up front at the gate the day you show up. Example scenario is provided at the bottom.
- Thursday, March 16
- Gate Opens at 3pm
- Overnight Camping – $50
- Covers the entire weekend
- Friday, March 17
- Gate Opens at 7am
- Practice 9am-2pm – $30
- Spectators $10
- You will pay $10 for each day attending
- Overnight Camping – $40
- Covers the entire weekend
- Saturday, March 18
- Gate Opens at 7am
- Racers – $10
- You will pay $10 for each day attending
- Spectators – $10
- You will pay $10 for each day attending
- Practice 8am
- Racing immediately following practice
- Overnight Camping – $20
- Sunday, March 19
- Gate Opens at 7am
- Racers – $10
- Spectators – $10
- Practice 8am
- Racing immediately following practice
- Racer shows up on Thursday and is staying at the facility for the weekend with their significant other/friend/etc:
- Thursday Camping Fee – $50 (covers weekend)
- Friday Practice – $40 ($30 for practice + $10 spectator)
- Saturday Track Fee – $20 ($10 racer + $10 spectator)
- Sunday Track Fee – $20 ($10 racer + $10 spectator)
- Total = $130 due at the gate on Thursday
- Racer shows up on Thursday and is staying at the facility for the weekend with their significant other/friend/etc: