Results & Photos | Glen Helen Series Rd 1

It was a great start to the 5 Round Glen Helen Summer Series! With temps in the mid 70s and a classic Glen Helen National Track layout, we could not ask for a better day of racing… And racing there was! Every class had very close battles and a lot of passing. The Expert/Master class was a particular joy to watch, with 5+ riders battling for the same position every lap!

This race also marked the return of the “Super Vet” class, which gives members an opportunity to race on an open gate for 5 laps. It is not often you get to dice with your buddies in other age groups or skill levels. Super Vet gives you that chance! This extra race is free for members with any main class sign up.

At the end of the day it was all smiles and positive feedback about racing on a Saturday with a well prepped Glen Helen track. We look forward with continuing the series and finishing out the year strong at this facility.

We are taking a Summer break to give our members and staff some time to relax and enjoy the warm weather. We will return on August 7th for Round 2!

Results and photos are below. Our friend Debbi Tamietti was out snapping photos as well, check them out HERE!

Results and Lap Times

These photos are free to download and use as you wish. Click any thumbnail to see the full size image. Arrow over (or swipe on mobile) to move from image to image. Right click (or long press on mobile) any full size image and select “download” to get the best quality:

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Dennis Foster
Dennis Foster
2 years ago

Thanks for all the effort put into the day by the selfless individuals who volunteer their time to allow allows to race with our friends.