Results | Glen Helen Series Rd 2

The 2nd Round of our 5 Round Glen Helen Summer Series was a huge success! It was a scorching hot day with temperatures hitting around triple digits, but that didn’t keep anyone away from the race track. We had good battles in every class, including a good turn out of little ones racing the Kids Support class. Special thanks to the Glen Helen track crew for accommodating an alternate route for the kids to race on!

This event also marked our annual Membership Appreciation race. We gave away koozies to every member and hats to every member who pre-registered. In addition, we held a free raffle with the grand prize being a brand new 6D Helmet! And wouldn’t you believe it, David Burrus (#924) won! You may not remember, but he won a helmet from us last year as well. What’s his secret?!

Another part of the festivities was a trophy presentation to our 2022 Winter Series overall winners! Each winner received customized trophy with their name and class. If you missed it, you can see the Winter Series results HERE.

You can check out your lap times and results and the link below. We apologize, we did not take any photos at this round due to technical issues. There may have been some others out there snapping pics, so please feel free to let us know and we can add their link and/or tag their social media account(s). We will be back in full swing with our usual FREE photos at the next race!

Results and Lap Times

We will be back at Glen Helen for Round 3 on August 20th. This will be a SATURDAY race on the Vet Track! Online pre-registration is open now.