2025 OTHG South Chapter Board Nominations

2025 South Chapter Board Nominations are now open! The nominations and any subsequent voting will be facilitated through our message board forum.

We encourage all members, new and seasoned, to consider taking on a board position within the club. A healthy turnover of board officers ensures fresh ideas that keep the club moving forward. Our experienced board members have a solid foundation of knowledge to help ensure a smooth transition process for anyone willing to take on the job.


You must be a current member to place a nomination

Please “sign” your post with your full name and bike number

Any nominees must accept the position by replying within the thread

A topic has been created for each OTHG Board position.

Any positions where there are multiple/contested nominations will be taken to a vote.

If you have used our message board in the past, your login should still be functional. For new members, please be sure to register. Make sure your profile information makes it possible to easily identify you as a member of the club!

Current (2024) Board Officers

PRESIDENT – Steve Lerma Jr – #198G

VICE PRESIDENT – Barrett Kiick – #721G

RACE DIRECTOR – Scott Hartwick- #48G

STATISTICIAN –  Travis Wolf – #292G

SECRETARY – Chris Cumbo – #5G

TREASURER – Dustin Smith – #44G

MEDIA DIRECTOR – James Kibbe – #701G

Here are the standard obligations of each board position:

    • As chief officer of the Club, shall direct its business in a timely manner, preside at all meetings of the Club, appoint standing and special committee to carry out the purposes and objectives of the Club. He/she shall call meetings of the board as is necessary to conduct club business, supervise the duties of all other officers and maintain a properly functioning organization.
    • Shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence in a timely manner, schedule Race dates, Additionally, the current year VP will schedule races through the first quarter (March 31) of the following year to ensure the OTHG has scheduled races while still ensuring a reasonable transition period for a new VP (as applicable) to have sufficient time to “learn the ropes” and “contacts” associated with scheduling races, trophies, etc.
    • Shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Club and provide to general membership in a timely manner, produce the Club Newsletter on a monthly basis and ensure timely delivery to membership requiring such and perform any other duties assigned by the President.
    • Shall receive all moneys of the club and deposit such moneys in the Club account in a timely manner, co-sign all checks with the President (or appointed designee), make remittances as required, pay bills, maintain a detailed record of all receipts and disbursements and demands. Pay track workers at the end of the day’s racing. In addition, the treasurer will perform any other duties as assigned by the President. At the end of his term, the treasurer shall deliver and present for audit to the incoming board all books and records of the club.
    • Shall oversee race day activities to include practice/race schedule, riders are participating within their assigned classifications (practice/race), and post activities to include rider advancement and race committee coordination in a timely manner The Race Director is also responsible for putting in/removing the transponder loop.
    • Race Committee
      • Shall assist the Race Director and the Assistant Race Director in all race day duties and also in monitoring all OTHG members and Evaluation Riders during races, make recommendations on member promotions/demotions and give input to the same when asked.
    • Promotional Points
      • It is the responsibility of the Race Director to keep track of a members earned points, and to have them posted in a timely manner. The RD may designate another individual in the chapter to keep these points. However, responsibility remains with the RD.
    • Shall tally all points from OTHG events and provide to appropriate OTHG personnel (editor/web master) in a timely manner, maintain the gang membership rolls, and perform any other duties assigned by the President.
    • Shall maintain the Club website in a timely manner and perform any other duties assigned by the President. Will also work with the E Board to promote the OTHG in a positive manner.
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