A Return to Racing Coming Soon!

With the news coming out of Washington D.C. and on April 16, 2020, there is some good news finally dawning for OTHG members!

The Presidential Covid-19 Response Team has provided guidelines to all governors towards the de-escalation of the stay-at-home orders that have been imposed through the governors.

As we are all eagerly awaiting getting back to work and back in the saddle, there is still a need to be careful and considerate of the people we associate with.  Because of the nature of the Covid-19 virus transmitability and lack of symptom visibilitiy for many days after infection there will continue to be public demand for a visible awareness to be examplified and maintained for a period of time.

The 3-step restoration plan that was outlined at the White House daily briefing gives a hope that a measure of normalsy is on the way.  Hurray!

For the OTHG South Chapter our rescheduled national for July is on the calendar and we will re-open pre-registration sometime in mid-June based upon the state of California’s loosening of gathering restrictions.

We are seeing positive signs that the 2020 OTHG National Series will be a reality. We are all looking forward to that next gate drop and the roar of our voices heading into the first turn of our next OTHG race!

Stay safe.  Stay close to family.

Some addtional references:


