Rider Of The Month | Bryan Dodge Sr.

Interview and story by Chris Cumbo #4G

Name: Bryan “Flying” Dodge Sr.
Age: 66
From: Yucaipa, CA
Class: 65 Intermediate
Number: 655G

Bryan started racing in 1970 on a husky in the novice class with CMC. He raced Ascot, Orange County, Saddleback, Irwindale, Indian dunes and Carlsbad. He raced 4 days a week. Later he raced two classes, one on his Husky 400 and the other class on his ’74 CR 125.

Bryan Dodge Sr. #60

“My wife would hold a motorcycle on the starting line and I would switch off bikes. I made it into the Pro class in 73, 74 and 75 and 76. I raced the 125 class because it had 20+ riders and the purse was $400. The open class only had a few riders and didn’t pay as much. Tommy Croft tried to get me to add on an additional race one day and if we would’ve finished the top 20 we would have had enough money to afford the next weekend’s race. Tommy was looking at using my van to get there. The lowest number I earned with CMC was number 60.”

The competition was steep back in 1974. There was Mike Bell (whose Dad owned Long Beach Honda), #1 OTHG plate holder Kirk Freeman, Val Tamietti, Mic Rodgers, Marty Moates , Marty Smith, Danny LaPorte, Jef Harriott (owner of Thousand Oaks Powersports), Gary Fenton, Jeff Jennings, Tim and Chuck Lundy, Gary Denton, Doug Sherman, Marty Tripes and Rex Staten.  Bryan raced with C.M.C. until 1977 and then, with his wife, raised their 3 boys.

Rex Staten wasn’t a guy to mess with!

Do you have a short story about one of those racers?
“Yes, I have so many, but I have a favorite. One Wednesday racing evening I happened to see Stu Peters and he suggested that I sign up for the Pro class, there were only 4 racers. I got to the line early and picked a gate.  Rex Staten arrived just after me and his mechanic came over and tapped me on the shoulder and said, are you in this next race with the pros. ‘I sure am!’, I said proudly. Rex stared at me on his nice new shiny Yamaha with all the latest and lightest parts and he wanted my gate spot. Rex moved over. I thought to myself, now he’s going to be mad. That’s one guy you don’t want to piss off. The other two racers lined up and they dropped the gate. Rex was way out front (kind of like Chris Micklos was Saturday night at Perris with a 1:42 lap time) and I was worried when Rex came around to lap me that his mechanic was going to pull out the “kill” board. Well, it turns out Rex blew out his front tire, etc. and his mechanics couldn’t repair his bike for the next moto in time and another guy had crashed out . I finished second overall and earned 40 bucks. Enough to cover my racing costs for the evening and I beat Rex Staten…hahaha!”

Any other racing stories from those days?
 “Yes. I was racing across the desert with my friends and I crossed perpendicularly to a four-wheel-drive road and I didn’t see there was a second crossing. I went face first into the gravel and blew out my goggles. I must’ve had my mouth open as I was Bryan (flying) Dodge through the air and landed face first. When I finally got to my knees. The others were standing over me and I was spitting out what I thought were my teeth.  They were a handful of small stones. One at a time they saw me spit out. I thought for sure they were my teeth until I looked closely at them in my glove.” 

How did you get started in the Over The Hill Gang?
“I was 50 years old in 2004. My birthday is June 10th, 1955. Hence the #655G. Well, I had bought a Maico-Breako and I was practicing at a track on a Suzuki. I saw an Over The Hill Gang sticker and a guy gave me information about the Gang. I entered into the 45 Novice class and Jim (Jimbo) Holman asked me to become the Secretary/Editor. Coincidentally, 6 of the 8 board members were in the 45 novice class with me. Jimbo passed away right in front of me at LACR. Jimbo got the holeshot and I was working to get a tire around him and he ran into me. I thought, Jimbo what the hell? You almost knocked me down. That’s not like you. Next time around the yellow flags were out and they were pumping on his heart. I sure miss that guy. He was the President of the club and the nicest guy you’d ever want to meet. I remember he would play guitar at Over The Hill Gang parties and sing the song “Big Rock Candy Mountain”.

Do you have any other stories that stand out, back in the early 2000 years?
“At one race, the Pro Rick Johnson and Mercedes Gonzalez came out and gave free lessons at the Victorville track to any Over The Hill Gang member that asked.
Another story I remember is at one of the banquets. We had a trophy called ‘Crash of the Year’. I don’t remember who received it, but he held it up and said ‘this trophy cost me $4000!’…hahaha”

Bryan at the Perris night race, June 12, 2021

What do you like about the Over The Hill Gang nowadays?
“First thing that comes to mind is that I get to ride with my son Bryan Jr .who moved down from Portland, Oregon. I like riding at the same track and watching him race. At Perris last Saturday night his bike broke and he raced my bike. We just switched transponders. I am so fortunate to do this with my son . My other son rides also and my third son doesn’t like to get sweaty.”

Anything else that’s on your mind within OTHG? 
“Catching and keeping up with and passing my competition….Mr. 144G Tim Williams!”

Do you have any other hobbies?
“Yes, I go to car shows with 3 different unique vehicles. I’ll include some photos.”

Ask Bryan more about these vehicles when you see him at the track! Click on each image below to enlarge:

Is it true you have a motocross track on your property?
“Yes, after my wife died I moved to Yucaipa and bought a property with a house and some land. Then, I built mostly a turning motocross track. A minute and 30 seconds to go around it. I also built a 9 hole golf course and the track goes around the golf course. I saw a real live bear on my first hole.  I heard George White used to tear up golf courses on his dirtbike when he was about 17 years old. So, I’m probably not going to invite George over to my property unless he promises to keep off the grass! Over The Hill Gang members in good standing are welcome to come on out and ride my track.”

Bryan currently holds down 4th in overall points and 1st in the Intermediate class. Keep an eye out for Bryan during the remainder of the 2021 season as he fights for those top positions!

Click any of the images below to enlarge:

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Richard Hurtado
Richard Hurtado
3 years ago

What a great read!!!! Congratulations on being the ROM. Glad that you are a member of the greatest Vet MX Club in the world!!!!

David Ryan
David Ryan
3 years ago

Go Bryan!!! great guy and fun to race with. An incredible life for sure.